Technical Data

Superform ™ - Flexible Plywood Characteristics

Superform ™ - Flexible Plywood Characteristics

Complies with: EN13986:2004; EN636-123:2003; EN323:1993; EN:314:2004; EN310:1993; EN 350-2-1994; EN 1995:2004

Production process: EN 717-1:1995 EN 1099:1998

Characteristics Standard Unit Value
Format - mm 1220 x 2440
Nominal thickness - mm 3, 5, 8
Density EN323 Kg/m3 350
Adhesive strength: EN 310 - -
Along the grain Class F in accordance with EN636 - 50, 50, 40
Across the grain Class F in accordance with EN636 - 25, 35, 35
Bending strength: EN 310 - -
Along the grain Class E in accordance with EN 363 - 90, 90, 90
Across the grain Class E in accordance with EN 363 - 30, 30, 30
Bonding quality EN 314 Class Class 1
Formaldehyde emission EN13986, EN 717-1 Class E-1 / E0
Fire reaction EN 13986 Class D-s2, d2
Water vapor permeability (wet µ) EN 13986 wet µ 90
Water vapor permeability (dry µ) EN 13986 dry µ 220
Sound absorption (250Hz to 500Hz) EN 13986 Factor 0,10
Sound absorption (1000Hz to 2000Hz) EN 13986 Factor 0,30
Thermal conductivity EN 13986 W/(m*K) 0,17
Biological resistance EN 1099, EN350-2 Class 5